Friday, January 30, 2009


Assalamualaikum w.b.t buat semua.......

Akhirnya kembar kedua dipertemukan dengan abangnya di wad ibu mereka setelah 13 hari dipisahkan..... cuba tgk, senang jer nak kenal mana abang dan mana adik....

..."tok, yang ni Iqbal ker Naufal ni... serupa jer muka orang tengok ?", tanya BB (kebelakangan ni BB membahasakan dirinya ORANG) ...

Mak seronok dpt jumpa kembar tu...kalau boleh nak dukung kedua-dua nya sekali...

"....macam ni cara yang betul... letih mak tengok, tak tau lah kat hampa ni macam mana!".... tuuu dia mak kita lah tu sapa lagi...

best nyer.... yang ni Alisya tau.. namanya Mohammad Naufal

"tu diaaaa.... bulat mata dia... Muhammad Iqbal, tak tido lagi...awat tengok tok lagu tu..."

minum time..... susu ibu susah nak di isap... suap mcm tu jer lar... laju jugak abis

Mungkin dalam masa yang terdekat ni kak cik dan kembar tu boleh balik rumah.... tu pun kalau si Naufal cepat recover dia punya bengkak mata dan kaki.....


Njang kata ancik salah masuk fakta berat, terbalik berat budak.... memang betui pun terbalik... siap dgn bukti sekali neh... tak salah dah kot.... segala kesukaran adalah amat dikesali....!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pengalaman Perkelahan Keluarga Pertama di Sungai Sendat


Kita akan recordkan 'step by step' persiapan dan pengalaman perkelahan pertama ni, supaya boleh dijadikan peringatan dan panduan, atau pun supaya boleh diperbaiki di lain kali:

1.Punggah masuk kereta
Toyota Hilux Pak Teh adalah truck pengangkut barangan keperluan asas. Selepas 50 km bergoyang, semua barang-barang menjadi padat dan masih ada 50% ruang baru.
Land Rover Pak Njang dan Jeep Cherokee Pak Chaq ringan saja.

Carrier Pak Chaq diikat secara manual saja. 2. Sarapan 3. Khemah
Cara mendirikan khemah boleh diperbaiki lagi, dan perlu memilih kawasan yang lebih luas (selesa), dan lebih rata (pengaliran air hujan). Perlu tambah tikar yang lebih luas.

4. Dapur

Dapur mungkin perlu ada khemah kecil khas untuk dia sahaja.

5. (Pak Njang punya syarat) Dekat AIR 6. Teknik pemanduan
Pak Njang cakap suruh bawak perlahan, set full time, set part time, gear D, gear 3, gear 1-2, pening Pak Chaq. Lepas tu, suruh tekan bawa laju atas selut (last option), tapi nak berenti jangan tekan brek. Tima kacih Pak Njang.

7. Car Wash Service (yang dikendalikan oleh Mak Chaq)

Kereta pun nak mandi juga

8. Aktiviti Malam

Aktiviti malam yang di penuhi dengan nyanyian, lakonan dan lawak jenaka yang dikendalikan oleh Mak Chaq.

9. Bertimbang rasa

Pak Njang dengan hero sekali membantu menarik truck mengangkut barang yang sangkut di sungai yang cuma boleh dilalui oleh 4x4, tarik menggunakan Jeep .

10. Beramah mesra

Kalau ada artis nak bergambar dengan kita, kita kita layan saja la. Terima kasih Pak Rosyam Nor.

Kita tunggu pulak Pak Teh jadi tuan rumah untuk pergi Mini Dam, Selama.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sungai Sendat 2009

24/1/2009 ari tu tiga family gi camping kat sungai sendat. pagi ahad tu sume bebudak mandi-manda dlm sungai dari pagi hingga ke petang.

nilah keadaan disana. yang koner tu tempat masak. bebudak tidur dalam khemah yang kat dalam. nak tengok lebih jelas, bukalah fullsize.

waktu nak balik tu. korang sume tau tak kitorang jumpa siapa. ROSYAM NOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jangan jealous you. bukan senang tau nak cari artis dlm hutan. oklah, sampai sini saja cite tasha kat sungai sendat ni. bye bye.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Salam Tahun Baru 2009 (Samb...)

As promised; ni njang cuba upload video yang ada...

Dah kotoq nak kena basuh la pulak...

Nasib baik ada yang rajin nak nolong!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sungai Sendat 2004

Assalamualaikum semua...

Kami nak pi camping Yey!!!

Gambaq2ni diambik pada 9/2004. Tasha about 6thn. Nadia pulak about 3 thn. Natra baru 3 bulan dlam perut ummi... not in the picture.

Kenangan Tropper di Sungai Sendat.

Pegi dengan family Kak Aida (Kakak Eddy). Masa tu dia baru masuk 4 org anak. Sekarang dah nak masuk 6; on the way bulan 4 ni kot.

Angah sejuk... gegegegegegegeg....

Lanyak jangan tak lanyak...layan saja...

Well...25/01/2009 nanti dengan group yang berbeza. Pastinya pengalaman yang berbeza juga!!! Let's have fun you all!!!!!!



Selamat harijadi

Selamat harijadi

Selamat harijadi Nuril Aiman

Selamat harijadi


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to Nur Asna

Happy birthday to you

Asna sedang bermain dengan Rosie ? di favourite spot dia. Temporary spot can still be favourite spot.

Aiman dengan gaya yang tak berapa pasti samada melambangkan Rock atau James Bond atau cuba memberitahu supaya jangan pandang belakang!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Ya Marhaban........

Assalamualaikum w.b.t utk semua..!
Berakhir sudah penantian walau tidak cukup 9 bulan... hanya 7 bulan 13 hari bersamaan 31 minggu kalau tak salah ancik kira lar (maklum lar dolu2 kelas math manjang tuang)... Alhamdulillah maka bertambah lah cucu Hajah Ramlah adanya....

Kak cik sebelum nak pi OT (Operation Theatre) depa dah cucuk pinggang... katanya bius sekerat saja.. so kakcik masih sedar semasa pembedahan dijalankan.. tak dapat bayangkan ngeri ancik... huhuhuhuhu...

Dapat tgk kot cermin jer lar... tak bley lepaih pi dalam OT... ingat nak teman lar jugak....

....bebi-bebi dibawak keluaq dari OT.. yang ni si abang ( Muhammad Iqbal ) .. adapun yg abang ni diperkhabarkan oleh Doc lebih kecil iaitu 1.4kg ... mmmmm.... memang layak jadi abang pun beralah dengan adik tu lar pasai kecik...

....yang ni plak si adik ( Muhammad Naufal )... lebih besaq dari abang dia.... dengan berat 1.7kg.. kedua2 bebi dibawa ke wad untuk pemerhatian seterusnya sebelum boleh diserahkan kepada ibu.

kakcik selepas operation... kesian, letih jer nampak.... Doc cakap kakcik kena tido 6 jam lagi sebelum boleh bangun, minum dan makan..

..maka bermula lah episod baru... sapa yg sambey makan sambey uhuhh... sapa yang panjat ataih rak kain nak uhuhhhh.... sapa yang uhuhhhh tak berenti...
...bila meningkat remaja plak... sapa yang pi cekak leheaq angsa sampai kiokkk... sapa yang main dalam tempayan sampai punah ranah... sapa yang ligan orang dgn parang...... sapa yg buat lawak pi sorok kunci kereta dalam lubang jamban.....
.semua tu bakal berlaku dan rasanya macam baru semalam saja berlalu.......

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Selingan 3

Kereta kebal anyone?


Di bawah ni ada contoh article/journal yang Anchaq selalu tulis. Cuba kaknjang tengok:

Ambil peluang bergambar di podium / swimming pool project Sri Hartamas yang dah CF.

Satu leteran:


When buying a house, what are the criteria that you use to select and the reference you use to finally choose one? Rationally, the one that you finally pick should be the best under your limited means. The elevation must have captured your eyes, the living room must be fit for your old house’s furniture or new ones, and the price is affordable.

So you decide to purchase the house, and eventually sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement. Did you read the agreement?

The moment you were handed over with the keys, and both of you visited the whole house for the first time for the purpose of filling up the defect list, the excitement begins.

Your partner mentions to push the kitchen wall all the way to the fence, widen the master bedroom, move the toilets, add some toilets with one of the toilets houses a jaccuzi, enlarge the family area, build guest room with attached toilet, create a large storage area, convert family area to home theatre, construct another floor for gymnasium, extend the roof and the most predictable, shift the car porch columns to allows for parking of 3 cars.

And without giving the Sale and Purchase Agreement’s plan a second glance, you call the first contractor you see on site and tell him what you were thinking. The contractor smiles with joy when you complaint that the kitchen is too small, the master bedroom is too narrow, the toilet is at the undesirable location, the number of toilets are insufficient, the family area seems uncomfortable, two number of floors are not enough, and a single parking car porch is illogical; all these being concluded without any furnishing in place yet.

Wait a minute, the main reason for the collection of keys during vacant possession by the purchaser is to allow the owner to visit the entire house, pick out all defects you can possibly see, and fill up defect or complaint list form, defects which shall be rectified by the Developer without charge during Defect Liability Period. The moment you change anything before end of 6 months into DLP (or however stated in the SPA), the Developer is off the hook.
The kitchen wall is riddled with cracks, but you want to push the wall away.
The master bedroom windows are crooked, but you want to make the room and the windows wider.
The toilet is leaking, but you want to move it.
The family area is situated between master bedroom and the children’s bedroom, but you want to enlarge it and still keep the children’s and master bedroom the same size.
Your lot’s set back is insufficient but you want to build the biggest guest room possible.
Your window is only 3 feet from the floor, but you want to shift the column to the span that allows 3 car parks which roof shall eventually be high enough to block the view from window.
All of these are being thought of without you knowing the actual shape or the outcome of the construction work to your house.

So now you have talked and expressed your intention to the first contractor available. Without you yourself having seen the plan of the house, not to say the contractor, you are very impressed that the contractor possesses the ability to give the quotation on the spot. And it is reasonable too.

Why is it seems so reasonable to you? When you tell somebody that you want to push a wall to the boundary line, you have to consider a few aspects:
The first thing to know is what are the items embedded inside the wall: electrical conduits, cold water pipes, telephone lines, structural columns, structural beam, down pipes from kitchen sink, etc.
You cannot literally push a brick wall, you have to demolish it, and rebuild at a designated location.
All electrical conduits, cold water pipes, telephone lines and down pipes have to be repositioned and installed during the laying of the brick wall .
Do not simply demolish the structural columns or structural beam if you don’t want your house to collapse. Have you considered the size, shape or the type of windows you want to have on the wall?
If the wall is exactly at the boundary, does your roof eave stop there too? If so, the rain will seep through the window.
How high the new wall need to be, and how does it affect the existing roof.
If the kitchen’s window is directly looking into the back lane, what type of privacy and security measures are to be taken.

If all the above have not been thought of, and no drawings have been utilized, how do you rationalize the reasonable quotation by the contractor.

Why Architect? Because we can be rely on to follow through.

Dua adik baru

Salam dari Aiman,
Haikal selamat dapat 2 adik baru, sure best, meriah punya!!!!
Nak bubuh nama apa?
Kirim salam kat mak, kay!!


Selamat Dapat Dua Adik Baru

Countdown and......

Assalamualaikum w.b.t lagi sekali....

Kelmarin kakcik hampa dah admit ke Hospital Likas... doc kata bb yg kat dalam tu sorang kecik sorang besar... ancik tanya awatnya jadi lagu tu... Doc explaint la... hat mana yg gagah dia pulun abih lah kat dia sorang... so yg tak gagah neh kuruih kering lar..

Abang Long, Kak Ngah dan BB macam tanak balik jer neh.... kalu boleh nak dok ngan ibu depa... tapi nak buat camner.. semua dah skolah.. kalau coti tak pa lar..!!

...dah jadi macam kemestian plak dah... minum petang ibu kena buat untuk BB... dok kat spital pun kena buat jugakkkkkkkkkk... aduiii aihhhhhh

Ancik la neh tgh dok tunggu kak cik call jer... katanya operate ari neh... la neh dah jam 9.43am tak operate lagi pun... haru betui larrr... dah lar ngantuk ni.. pagi tadi mangkit awai uruskan abg long, kak ngah dan BB bangun pagi, siap dan buat makan minum (abg long kata cucuq bawang ayah buat tak sedap) lepaih tuh pakat2 yong pi skolah...